68122 Listings
Below is a list of known multi-family homes in the area. Click for more detailed information.
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6510 N 107th Plaza Omaha,
NE 68122 . 402-933-8500 . 2, 3 & 4 bedroom apartments
Property Website
2 bedroom $755 to $8353 bedroom $960 to $10104 bedroom $1000 to $1040balcony/patio,
eat in kitchen, extra storage, handicapped equipped homes available, kitchen pantry, oak cabinets, sports court, storm shelters,
tile floors, town houses, walk-in closet, Wi-Fi in clubhouse, gas heat, self clean oven, dishwasher, window blinds, private
entry, in-unit laundry hookups in all apartments, income restrictions apply, clubhouse, fitness center, garages, pool, playgrounds,

196 units |
6704 N. 90th Plaza Omaha,
NE 68122 . 402-964-2548 . 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments
Property Website
bedroom $633 to $6532 bedroom $8183 bedroom $942blacony
/ patio, all electric, bay windows in some, handicap accessible, handicap accessible, high ceilings, income restrictions apply,
pendant lighting, storage, storm shelter, walk-in closets, all electric, self clean ovens, dishwasher, window blinds, private
entry, laundry hookups, housing vouchers ok, clubhouse, garages, outdoor pool, central laundry center

192 units |
7205 N 73rd Plaza Circle Omaha,
NE 68122 . 402-502-7500 . 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
bedroom $840 to $8602 bedroom $955
to $99555+, balcony / patios, activities & clubs, community room, Fireplace Lounge,
independent living senior, Interior mail boxes, Library, non-smoking building, pantry, storm shelter, walk-in shower, basic
cable included, dishwashers, controlled access with video monitoring, stackable laundry hookups, senior community, small pets
welcome, fitness center, garages, elevator

107 units |
78th & Whitmore Plaza Omaha,
NE 68122 . 402-444-6203 . 2 & 3 bedroom apartments for familys with disabilities
Property Website
2 bedroom3 bedroom Located at 78th and Whitmore Plaza,
Woodgate Townhomes offers two- and three-bedroom townhome units specially designed to meet the needs of families with disabilities.
An attached one-car garage is included as well as a washer and dryer in each unit.

20 units |